Ahmed Tlili; Salim Chikhi
Natural Immune System Response As Complexe Adaptive System Using Learning Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. Int. J. of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) 5(3): 95-104 (2016)
Aouatef Chaib; Imen Boussebough; Allaoua Chaoui
An intelligent management of lighting in an ambient environment with a Multi-Agent System.. In book International Symposium on Modelling and Implementation of Complex Systems (MISC'16): 187-200 (2016)
Aissam Belghiat; Allaoua Chaoui; Mokhtar Beldjehem
Capturing and Verifying Dynamic Systems Behavior Using UML and π -Calculus.. In book Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing: 59-84 (2016)
Mohamed Boubakir; Allaoua Chaoui
A pairwise Approach for Model Merging.. In book International Symposium on Modelling and Implementation of Complex Systems (MISC'16): 327-340 (2016)
Ahmed-Chawki Chaouche; Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni; Jean-Michel Ilié; Djamel Eddine Saïdouni
Smart Agent Foundations: From Planning to Spatio-temporal Guidance.. In book Enablers for Smart Cities: 33-63 (2016)
Aissam Belghiat; Allaoua Chaoui; Mokhtar Beldjehem
Capturing and Verifying Dynamic Systems Behavior Using UML and π-calculus. Theoretical Information Reuse and Integration (IRI): 59-84 (2016)
Abdelbasset Boukelia; Zakaria Benmounah; Mohamed Batouche; Bouchera Maati; Ikram Nekkache
A Novel Algorithm for CpG Island Detection in Human Genome Based on Clustering and Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization. 13th Int. Meeting on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CIBB 2016): 70-81 (2016)
Imene Ferdi; Abdesslem Layeb
A Novel Heuristic Based Simulated Annealing for the Capacitated Location Routing Problem. Mediterranean Conf. on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence: 17-24 (2016)
Said Meghzili; Allaoua Chaoui; Martin Strecker; Elhillali Kerkouche
Transformation and validation of BPMN models to Petri nets models using GROOVE. 2nd Int. Conf. on Advanced Aspects of Software Engineering (ICAASE'16): 22-29 (2016)
Khalil Mecheraoui; Nabil Belala; Djamel Eddine Saidouni
Towards a Comprehensive Formal Model for Business Processes. 22nd Int. Conf. Information and Software Technologies (ICIST'16): 174-186 (2016)
Zakaria Abdelmoiz Dahi; Chaker Mezioud; Enrique Alba
A Novel Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Mobility Management in Cellular Networks. 11th Int. Conf. on Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems (HAIS'16): 225-237 (2016)
Baha Fergani; Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi
A discrete particle swarm optimisation algorithm for geographical map contour reconstruction. 6th Int. Conf. on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications (DICTAP'16): 142-144 (2016)
Nabil Messaoudi; Allaoua Chaoui; Mourad Derardja; Mohamed Bettaz
On TGG Ability for Transforming UML 2 Sequence Diagrams with Imbricate Combined Fragments to π-Calculus Specifications. 7th Int. Conf. on Ambient Systems, Networks andTechnologies (ANT'16): 658-664 (2016)
Ahmed-Chawki Chaouche; Jean-Michel Ilié; Djamel Eddine Saïdouni
A Guidance of Ambient Agents Adapted to Opportunistic Situations. 10th Int. Symp. on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC'16): 47-56 (2016)
Laid Kahloul; Allaoua Chaoui; Karim Djouani
Modelling and Analysis of Mobile Computing Systems: An Extended Petri Nets Formalism. Int. J. of Computers, Communications & Control (IJCCC) 10(2): 211-221 (2015)
Nabila Chergui; Tahar Kechadi; Salim Chikhi
Scalability-aware mechanism based on workload prediction in ultra-peer networks. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 11(3): 431-449 (2015)
Farouk Meddah; Lynda Dib
P*: A New Path Planning Algorithm for Autonomous Robot in an Unknown Environment. Int. J. of Advances in Computer Science and Its Applications (IJCSIA) 5(1): 15-19 (2015)
Amer Draa; Zeyneb Benayad; Fatima Zahra Djenna
An opposition-based firefly algorithm for medical image contrast enhancement. Int. J. of Information and Communication Technology (IJICT) 7(4): 385-405 (2015)
Khadoudja Ghanem; Amer Draa; Elvis Vyumvuhore; Arsène Simbabawe
Differential Evolution to Optimize Hidden Markov Models Training: Application to Facial Expression Recognition. J. of computing and information technology 23(2): 157-170 (2015)
Amer Draa
On the performances of the flower pollination algorithm - Qualitative and quantitative analyses. Applied Soft Computing 34: 349-371 (2015)