Salama Meghriche; Mohammed Boulemden; Amer Draa
Agreement Between Multi-Layer Perceptron and a Compound Neural Network on ECG Diagnosis of Aatrioventricular Blocks. WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine 5(1): 12-22 (2008)
Salama Meghriche; Amer Draa; Mohammed Boulemden
On the analysis of a compound neural network for detecting atrioventricular heart block (AVB) in an ECG signal. Int. J. of Biological and Medical Sciences 2(3): 68-78 (2008)
Amel Meliouh; Elhillali Kerkouche; Allaoua Chaoui
A Tool for Design and Verification of Distributed Manufacturing Process Based on Meta-Modelling and Graph Grammars: Application to a Production Line. 21st ISCA Int. Conf. on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE'08): 88-93 (2008)
Djamel Eddine Saidouni; Adel Benamira; Nabil Belala; Farid Arfi
FOCOVE: Formal Concurrency Verification Environment for Complex Systems. 1st Mediterranean Conf. on Intelligent Systems and Automation (CISA’08): 375-380 (2008)
Salama Meghriche; Mohammed Boulemden; Amer Draa
Two neural networks architectures for detecting AVB. 8th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing (MUSP'08): 247-252 (2008)
Abdesslem Layeb; Djamel Eddine Saidouni
A New Quantum Evolutionary Local Search Algorithm for MAX 3-SAT Problem. 3th Int. Workshop on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems (HAIS'08): 172-179 (2008)
Laïd Kahloul; Allaoua Chaoui
Code mobility modeling: a temporal labeled reconfigurable nets. 1st Int. Conf. on MOBILe Wireless MiddleWARE, Operating Systems, and Applications (MOBILWARE'08): 34 (2008)
Salama Meghriche; Amer Draa; Mohammed Boulemden
A high performance CNN architecture for the detection of AVB carrying ECGs. Asian J. of Information Technology (AJIT) 6(4): 474-479 (2007)
Hichem Talbi; Mohamed Batouche; Amer Draa
A quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm for multiobjective image segmentation. Int. J. of Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (IJMPES) 1(2): 109-114 (2007)
Salim Chikhi; Mohamed Batouche; Hocine Shout
Hybrid neural network methods for lithology identification in the Algerian Sahara. Int. J. of Geological and Environmental Engineering 1(4): 50-57 (2007)
Mourad Bouzenada; Mohamed Chawki Batouche
An Object Tracker for Markerless Augmented Reality. Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition (IPCV'07): 584-589 (2007)
Hichem Talbi; Amer Draa; Mohamed Batouche
A novel quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm for multi-sensor image registration. Int. Arabic J. on Information Technology 3(1): 9-15 (2006)
Noura Boudiaf; Kamel Barkaoui; Allaoua Chaoui
Implémentation des règles de réduction des ECATNets dans Maude. : 505-514 (2006)
Noura Boudiaf; Allaoua Chaoui; Kamel Barkaoui
Applying reduction rules to ECATNets. 5th Int. Workshop on Automated Verification of Infinite-State Systems (AVIS'06): 42-55 (2006)
Sihem Mostefai; Abdelaziz Bouras; Mohamed Batouche
Data Integration in a PLM Perspective for Mechanical Products. Int. Arab J. of Information Technology (IAJIT) 2(2): 141-147 (2005)
Djamel Eddine Saidouni; Nabil Belala
Using Maximality-Based Labeled Transition System Model for Concurrency Logic Verification. Int. Arab J. of Information Technology (IAJIT) 2(3): 199-205 (2005)
Salim Chikhi; Mohamed Batouche
Using Probabilistic Unsupervised Neural Method for Lithofacies Identification. Int. Arab J. of Information Technologies 2(1): 58-66 (2005)
Amer Draa; Hichem Talbi; Mohamed Batouche
A quantum inspired genetic algorithm for solving the N-queens problem. 7th Int. Symp. on Programming and Systems (ISPS'15): 145-152 (2005)
Salim Chikhi; Mohamed Batouche
Probabilistic neural method combined with radial-bias functions applied to reservoir characterization in the Algerian Triassic province. J. of Geophysics and Engineering (JGE) 1(2): 134-142 (2004)
Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi
Fractal Structure of the Urban Objects. Int. Arab J. of Information Technology (IAJIT) 1(2): 164-170 (2004)