Salim Djaaboub; Elhillali Kerkouche; Allaoua Chaoui
From UML Statecharts to LOTOS Expressions Using Graph Transformation. 21st Int. Conf. on Information and Software Technologies (ICIST'15): 548-559 (2015)
S. Chettibi; Y. Labeni; A. Boulkour
Trace file analyzer for ad hoc routing protocols simulation with NS2. 1st Int. Conf. on New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC'15): 1-6 (2015)
Khadidja Belattar; Sihem Mostefai
Similarity measures for Content-Based Dermoscopic Image Retrieval: A comparative study. 1st Int. Conf. on New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC'15): 1-6 (2015)
Farouk Meddah; Lynda Dib
E-Bug: New Bug Path-planning Algorithm for Autonomous Robot in Unknown Environment. Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Processing, Security and Advanced Communication (IPAC'15): 69:1-69:8 (2015)
Mohamed Skander Daas; Salim Chikhi; Mohamed Batouche
Bacterial Foraging Optimization with Double Role of Reproduction and Step Adaptation. Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Processing, Security and Advanced Communication (IPAC'15): 71:1-71:5 (2015)
Zakaria Abdelmoiz Dahi; Chaker Mezioud ; Amer Draa
Deterministically-adaptive genetic algorithm to solve binary communication problems: application on the error correcting code problem. Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Processing, Security and Advanced Communication (IPAC 2015): 79:1-5 (2015)
Amira Bouaziz; Amer Draa; Salim Chikhi
Bat algorithm for fingerprint image enhancement. 12th Int. Symp. on Programming and Systems (ISPS 2015): 1-8 (2015)
Lamis Ghoualmi; Amer Draa; Salim Chikhi
Ear Feature Extraction Using a DWT-SIFT Hybrid. 2nd Euro-China Conf. on Intelligent Data Analysis and Applications (ECC 2015): 37-47 (2015)
Lamis Ghoualmi; Amer Draa; Salim Chikhi
An efficient feature selection scheme based on genetic algorithm for ear biometrics authentication. 12th Int. Symp. on Programming and Systems (ISPS'15): 1-5 (2015)
Abdelkader Moudjari; Salim Chikhi; Amer Draa
Business protocol discovery from log files using a TF-IDF-based technique. 7th Int. Conf. on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN'15): 651-656 (2015)
Abdelkader Moudjari; Salim Chikhi; Amer Draa
A new TF-IDF Formulation for Web Service Business Protocol Discovery. Int. Conf. on Internet Computing and Big Data (ICOMP): 60-65 (2015)
Maarouk Toufik Messaoud; Djamel Eddine Saidouni; Mahdaoui Rafik; Houassi Hichem
Interpretation of DD-LOTOS Specification by C-DATA*. 19th East European Conf. on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS'15): 414-423 (2015)
Said Layadi; Jean-Michel Ilié; Ilham Kitouni; Djamel Eddine Saidouni
Relative Timed Model for Coordinated Multi Agent Systems. 5th IFIP Int. Conf. on Computer Science and its Applications (CIIA'15): 15-27 (2015)
Meriem Bensouyad; Djamel Eddine Saidouni
A discrete flower pollination algorithm for graph coloring problem. 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Cybernetics (CYBCONF'15): 151-155 (2015)
Said Layadi; Jean-Michel Ilié; Djamel Eddine Saidouni
Time Satisfaction In Coordinated Multi-Agent Systems With Relative Time Rates. 29th European Conf. on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS'15): 549-555 (2015)
Nousseiba Guidoum; Meriem Bensouyad; Djamel Eddine Saidouni
A new and fast variant of the strict strong coloring based graph distribution algorithm. 16th IEEE/ACIS Int. Conf. on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD'15): 627-631 (2015)
Zakaria Abdelmoiz Dahi; Chaker Mezioud; Amer Draa
Binary Bat Algorithm: On The Efficiency of Mapping Functions Whe Handling Binary Problems Using Continuous-variable-based Metaheuristics. 5th IFIP Int. Conf. on Computer Science and Its Applications (CIIA'15): 3-14 (2015)
Riad Boussetoua; Hammadi Bennoui; Allaoua Chaoui; Khaled Khalfaoui; Elhillali Kerkouche
An automatic approach to transform BPMN models to Pi-Calculus. 12th Int. Conf. of Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA'15): 1-8 (2015)
Abdelkamel Hettab; Elhillali Kerkouche; Allaoua Chaoui
A Graph Transformation Approach for Automatic Test Cases Generation from UML Activity Diagrams. 8th Int. C* Conf. on Computer Science & Software Engineering (C3S2E'15): 88-97 (2015)
Nabil Messaoudi; Allaoua Chaoui; Mohamed Bettaz
An Operational Semantics for UML 2 Sequence Diagrams Supported by Model Transformations. 10th Int. Conf. on Future Networks and Communications (FNC '15): 604-611 (2015)