Search result : Author = Chaoui Allaoua
Said Meghzili; Allaoua Chaoui; Martin Strecker; Elhillali Kerkouche
On the Verification of UML State Machine Diagrams to Colored Petri Nets Transformation Using Isabelle/HOL. 18th IEEE Int. Conf. on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI'17): 419-426 (2017)
Oussama Kamel; Allaoua Chaoui; Mohamed Gharzouli
Cloud Service Composition Modeling Using Bigraphical Reactive Systems. 21st Int. Database Engineering & Applications Symp. (IDEAS'17): 40-48 (2017)
Aissam Belghiat; Elhillali Kerkouche; Allaoua Chaoui; Mokhtar Beldjehem
Mobile Agent-Based Software Systems Modeling Approaches: A Comparative Study. J. of Computing and Information Technology (CIT) 24(2): 149-163 (2016)
Redouane Nouara; Allaoua Chaoui
A Checking Service Composition Approach based on Model Transformation. Int. J. of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems (IJERTCS) 7(1): 30-47 (2016)
Aissam Belghiat; Allaoua Chaoui
Mapping Mobile Statechart Diagrams to the pi-Calculus using Graph Transformation: An Approach for Modeling, Simulation and Verification of Mobile Agent-based Software Systems. Int. J. of Intelligent Information Technologies (IJIIT) 12(4): 1-20 (2016)
Serial Rayene Boussalia; Allaoua Chaoui; Aurélie Hurault; Meriem Ouederni; Philippe Quéinnec
Multi-objective quantum inspired Cuckoo search algorithm and multi-objective bat inspired algorithm for the web service composition problem. Int. J. of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (IJISTA) 15(2): 95-126 (2016)
Aouatef Chaib; Imen Boussebough; Allaoua Chaoui
An intelligent management of lighting in an ambient environment with a Multi-Agent System.. In book International Symposium on Modelling and Implementation of Complex Systems (MISC'16): 187-200 (2016)
Aissam Belghiat; Allaoua Chaoui; Mokhtar Beldjehem
Capturing and Verifying Dynamic Systems Behavior Using UML and π -Calculus.. In book Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing: 59-84 (2016)
Mohamed Boubakir; Allaoua Chaoui
A pairwise Approach for Model Merging.. In book International Symposium on Modelling and Implementation of Complex Systems (MISC'16): 327-340 (2016)
Aissam Belghiat; Allaoua Chaoui; Mokhtar Beldjehem
Capturing and Verifying Dynamic Systems Behavior Using UML and π-calculus. Theoretical Information Reuse and Integration (IRI): 59-84 (2016)
Said Meghzili; Allaoua Chaoui; Martin Strecker; Elhillali Kerkouche
Transformation and validation of BPMN models to Petri nets models using GROOVE. 2nd Int. Conf. on Advanced Aspects of Software Engineering (ICAASE'16): 22-29 (2016)
Nabil Messaoudi; Allaoua Chaoui; Mourad Derardja; Mohamed Bettaz
On TGG Ability for Transforming UML 2 Sequence Diagrams with Imbricate Combined Fragments to π-Calculus Specifications. 7th Int. Conf. on Ambient Systems, Networks andTechnologies (ANT'16): 658-664 (2016)
Laid Kahloul; Allaoua Chaoui; Karim Djouani
Modelling and Analysis of Mobile Computing Systems: An Extended Petri Nets Formalism. Int. J. of Computers, Communications & Control (IJCCC) 10(2): 211-221 (2015)
Seidali Rehab; Allaoua Chaoui
TGG-based process for automating the transformation of UML models towards B specifications. Int. J. of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology (IJCAET) 7(3): 378-400 (2015)
Sofiane Chemaa; Mouna Bouarioua; Allaoua Chaoui
A high-level Petri net based model for web services composition and verification. Int. J. of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT) 51(4): 306-323 (2015)
Wafa Chama; Allaoua Chaoui; Seidali Rehab
Formal Modeling and Analysis of Object Oriented Systems using Triple Graph Grammars. Int. J. of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems (IJERTCS) 6(2): 48-64 (2015)
Tarek Alloui; Imane Boussebough; Allaoua Chaoui
A Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Web Information Retrieval: A Novel Approach. Int. J. of Intelligent Information Technologies (IJIIT) 11(3): 15-29 (2015)
Abdelkamel Hettab; Elhillali Kerkouche; Allaoua Chaoui
A Graph Transformation Approach for Automatic test cases generation from UML Activity Diagrams. 8th Int. C* Conf. on Computer Science & Software Engineering: 88–97 (2015)
Tarek Alloui; Imane Boussebough; Allaoua Chaoui; Ahmed Zakaria Nouar; Mohamed Chaouki Chettah
Usearch: A Meta Search Engine based on a New Result Merging Strategy. Int. Joint Conf. on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K'15): 531-536 (2015)
Khaled Khalfaoui; Elhillali Kerkouche; Allaoua Chaoui; Cherif Foudil
Automatic generation of SPL structurally valid products: An approach based on progressive composition of partial configurations. Int. Conf. on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS'15): 25-31 (2015)